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Penang Uncle Hits RM10.6M Jackpot Using Bosses’ Car Plate Numbers

Penang Uncle Hits RM10.6M Jackpot Using Bosses’ Car Plate Numbers

In an unexpected twist of fate, a Penang handyman turned his bosses’ flashy car plates into an RM10.6 million jackpot win. Betting on the numbers 9114 and 2230 for years, his persistence finally paid off.

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In a tale that sounds straight out of a movie, a 60-year-old renovation handyman from Penang struck it rich by betting on his bosses’ car registration numbers, netting a staggering RM10.6 million from the Toto 4D Jackpot 1 on 26 May.

China Press reported that the handyman and his colleagues had admired their bosses’ sleek European cars for years, often dreaming of owning such luxury vehicles themselves.

“The bosses drive nice European cars to work. That made all of us envious, and we all dreamt of driving one, too,” he said with a chuckle.

Inspired by this envy, he placed his bets on their car registration numbers—9114 and 2230—a strategy he stuck with for many years.

His persistence finally paid off when one of his wagers hit the jackpot.

He purchased a System 4 ticket, which brought him a whopping RM10,627,969.15 and an additional RM672 as a System Play bonus.

The handyman, who recently collected his winnings at Sports Toto Malaysia (STM) in Kuala Lumpur, shared his excitement and future plans.

The Sun quoted the man as saying he is content knowing he has become a multi-millionaire.

It’s time for him to enjoy life with his family, he said.

Always Gamble Responsibly

While this lucky win has brought him immense joy, it’s crucial to remember that gambling can have serious consequences if not approached responsibly.

The social and economic impact of problem gambling in Malaysia is significant.

Families can be torn apart due to financial strain, leading to divorce, domestic violence, and child neglect.

Many have also found themselves in difficult situations after falling into debt and borrowing from loan sharks.

Gamblers may also turn to crime to fund their addiction, such as theft, fraud, or embezzlement, which can lead to legal consequences and imprisonment.

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It’s important to note that these social ills are primarily associated with illegal online gambling and not necessarily through legal betting activities.

Nevertheless, number betting is banned in Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis and Kedah for religious and cultural reasons.

These states have a predominantly Muslim population, and gambling is prohibited under Islamic law.

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