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The Harsh Reality: Why 10,000 Students Skip SPM And The Consequences They Face

The Harsh Reality: Why 10,000 Students Skip SPM And The Consequences They Face

As society grapples with this educational crisis, the reasons behind this phenomenon reveal deep-rooted issues that demand urgent attention.

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In a striking revelation, over 10,000 students were absent from the 2023 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations out of 447,416 candidates registered for the exams.

This alarming statistic has sparked a nationwide conversation about the underlying causes and the long-term repercussions for Malaysia’s youth.

The reasons for this mass absenteeism are multifaceted, ranging from personal struggles to systemic issues within the educational framework.

Abandoned and Disillusioned: The Complex Web of Factors Driving Students Away from SPM

Many students face immense pressure and stress in preparing for SPM, feeling overwhelmed and incapable of facing the exams.

Early dropouts, often due to falling behind since primary school, find it difficult to catch up and stay engaged.

Inadequate support and awareness from families, coupled with no intervention after falling behind in school, leave students feeling abandoned.

Economic pressures also play a significant role, with some students opting to work instead of pursuing their education, believing that immediate financial gain outweighs the uncertain benefits of an SPM certificate.

Various factors, including social media’s influence, have contributed to declining interest in continuing education.

Some students feel that school and learning no longer provide tangible progress or opportunities.

Peer influence is another critical factor; the perception that one can succeed without an SPM certificate, as seen in some peers, encourages others to follow suit.

Sometimes, students band together to collectively skip the exams as a form of rebellion or solidarity.

Personal problems and family conflicts can also severely dampen students’ motivation to complete their education.

Those constantly sidelined in school may lose hope and see no future in continuing their studies.

A Tall Order for the Ministry

The Ministry of Education faces a daunting challenge in addressing these issues, a sentiment echoed last year.

Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek said the percentage of absentees in 2023 had dropped compared to 2022, suggesting that interventions have started paying off.

While more interventions are necessary, many argue it might be too late for some students.

We must dig deep, get to the core of what’s causing students to feel disconnected and unsupported, and take decisive action to make things right.

Reflecting on this situation, some express gratitude for having strict parents who ensured their attendance at school despite any excuses or challenges.

Their experiences highlight the importance of parental involvement and support in a child’s education journey.

The government has provided affordable higher education opportunities for those who did poorly in SPM, ensuring that pathways are still available for further education and personal development.

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