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[Watch] Honda Jazz Owners’ Misplaced Priorities: Cooking Maggie At Genting Highlands Petrol Station

[Watch] Honda Jazz Owners’ Misplaced Priorities: Cooking Maggie At Genting Highlands Petrol Station

A video of a group cooking instant noodles using a gas stove at a Petron petrol station in Genting Highlands has gone viral, sparking outrage among netizens who criticise the group’s actions as irresponsible and dangerous.

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In a viral video that has taken social media by storm, a group of individuals can be seen gathered around a gas stove, cooking instant noodles at a Petron petrol station in Genting Highlands.

The group has drawn severe criticism from the public, who deem the group’s actions highly inappropriate and potentially hazardous to public safety.

The footage also shows several Honda Jazz cars lined up around the petrol station area, causing congestion and inconveniencing other station users.

In the video, a police siren could be heard in the background, presumably coming to address the situation.

However, the group appeared nonchalant and continued with their activities, seemingly unconcerned about the presence of law enforcement.

This incident is not the first of its kind, as there have been reports of people picnicking and camping from their cars near the same petrol station.

READ MORE: Picnic As Usual In Genting Highlands, Minus The Tents

A Call for Collective Responsibility

Netizens have expressed their disbelief and frustration on the incident.

Many commented that while the desire to socialize and enjoy outdoor activities is understandable, it is crucial to consider the potential risks and inconvenience caused to others.

They urged the authorities to take necessary action to prevent such incidents from recurring and to educate the public about the importance of following safety regulations in public spaces.

Furthermore, petrol stations are designed for refuelling vehicles and are unsuitable for cooking or camping activities.

The presence of flammable substances and the constant movement of vehicles make them highly dangerous places to set up a gas stove or gather in groups.

Defying Common Sense: The Persistent Call for Petrol Station Gatherings

One user wrote, “I’ve never encountered human beings on this earth who ‘heal’ using a stove at a petrol station. Their level of stupidity is beyond discussion.”

Another commented, “If it explodes… God forbid. God gave you a brain, so use it, folks. You are causing a traffic jam for people who want to fill up their petrol, and you’re also endangering lives. You might not care about your own life, but think about others for once.”

Some netizens also pointed out the irony of the group driving nice cars, specifically Honda Jazz models, yet choosing to eat instant noodles at a petrol station.

One user quipped, “Driving fancy cars but eating cheap instant noodles at a petrol station? Talk about misplaced priorities.”

Meanwhile, some decided to throw shade on what happened, posting an “invite” to a Mega Gathering at the petrol station.

When asked what type of cars would be welcomed, the person who posted replied “strollers and carseats” can join.

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