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Mount Fuji Blocked Out: Japan’s Town Takes A Stand Against Overtourism

Mount Fuji Blocked Out: Japan’s Town Takes A Stand Against Overtourism

This decision comes after years of frustration with tourists who have been crowding the area and causing disruptions.

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If you’re planning a trip to Japan anytime soon, you might want to take note of this bizarre development.

The town of Fujikawaguchiko, nestled at the base of the majestic Mount Fuji, has had enough of badly behaved tourists and their quest for the perfect Instagram shot.

In a move that’s sure to raise eyebrows, the town authorities have decided to install a whopping 2.5-meter-high screen to block the view of Mount Fuji from a popular photo spot behind a Lawson convenience store.

Yes, you read that right – the iconic view that has graced countless social media feeds will soon be hidden behind a massive black barrier.

Tourists’ Antics Leave Local Businesses Feeling Down in the Mouth

The decision comes after a surge in overseas visitors, with Japan welcoming a record-breaking 3 million tourists in March alone.

While the influx of tourism has been great for the economy, it has also brought with it a host of problems, including littering, traffic violations, and general disrespect for local rules and customs.

A town official, who chose to remain anonymous, expressed his regret at having to take such drastic measures.

“It’s a shame that we have to resort to this because of a few bad apples who can’t seem to follow the rules,” he said.

But it’s not just the Lawson store that’s feeling the heat.

The nearby dental clinic has also been subjected to the onslaught of tourists, with some even climbing onto the roof to get the perfect shot.

Talk about taking things to new heights!

Fuji-ng the Music: It’s Time to Change Our Tune as Tourists

As Malaysians, we know how much we love to travel to Japan and soak in its unique culture and stunning landscapes.

But let’s take a moment to reflect on our own behaviour as tourists.

Are we respecting the places we visit and the people who call them home?

Rising majestically behind a neighbourhood, Mount Fuji stands tall, its snow-capped peak a striking contrast against the clear blue sky. The sacred mountain, revered for centuries, seems to watch over the neighbourhood like a silent guardian, its presence a constant reminder of the awe-inspiring beauty that surrounds this quaint community. (Pix: Fernando Fong)

The Fuji fiasco serves as a stark reminder that over-tourism is a real problem, and it’s up to us to be responsible travellers.

Just recently, the historic district of Gion in Kyoto had to seal itself off against tourists due to their disruptive behaviour and disregard for local customs.

It’s a troubling trend that demands our attention and action.

So, the next time you’re in Japan (or anywhere else for that matter), remember to be mindful of your actions and to treat your surroundings with the respect they deserve.

Who knows? Maybe if we all do our part, the town of Fujikawaguchiko will eventually take down that massive screen, and we’ll once again be able to marvel at the beauty of Mount Fuji from behind that famous Lawson store.

Until then, let’s focus on being the kind of tourists that Japan—and the world—can be proud of.

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