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Zus Coffee Collaborates With MAPIM To Send Aid To People Of Palestine

Zus Coffee Collaborates With MAPIM To Send Aid To People Of Palestine

Zus Coffee thanked Malaysians for their support as it has enabled them to help those in need.

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Zus Coffee shared several photographs on social media, announcing that they have sent aid to the people of Palestine.

In collaboration with the Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organization (MAPIM), Zus Coffee sent water tankers and set up base for hot meals distribution.

“Humanitarian aid and basic needs have arrived in Palestine. We are thankful to MAPIM for helping to ensure the success of this mission, and to you, Malaysia. We did this together. Your support made it possible for us to help those in need,” the local coffee chain said in their social media posts.

The banners put up on the water tankers and the food distribution centre bore Zus Coffee and MAPIM’S logo and the message “From Malaysia With Love”.

The banners also indicate that the water tankers were brought to Khan Younis while the hot meals were distributed in Gaza City.

On Facebook, MAPIM reposted Zus Coffee’s announcement along with several photos.

Malaysians on social media commended the humanitarian effort by the coffee company and expressed their desire to keep supporting the brand.

“Alhamdulilah, Thank you Zus Coffee, feel like drinking Zus every day,” said a Twitter user.

Some expressed sadness seeing the situation in Palestine where people had to queue up to get something as basic as food.

Malaysia is no stranger to the people of Palestine. Previously, the Malaysian government contributed funds to help restore the Al Shifa Hospital in north Gaza which was badly damaged due to Israeli attack.

Several departments within the hospital is in the process of reconstruction.

Meanwhile, Mapim president Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid said they had already sent 13 containers with 106 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The first phase of 10 containers has already been sent, but the aid remained stuck at the Rafah border, which is controlled by Israel.

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