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Did You Know It’s Illegal To Measure In Ounces When Selling Drinks In Malaysia?

Did You Know It’s Illegal To Measure In Ounces When Selling Drinks In Malaysia?

KPDN Melaka recently went around to check on ‘jiggers’ or double-sided cocktail measuring cups to see if it’s measured in ounces or millilitres.

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In Malaysia’s version of believe-it-or-not, Melaka officers from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) are “cracking down” on shops selling cocktails that measure liquids in ounces (oz) instead of millilitres (ml).

Based on KPDN Melaka’s TikTok video, the officer explained that it’s against the law to measure liquids using a jigger or the two-sided cocktail measuring cup in ounces.


For those unfamiliar with measuring in ounces, 100ml equals 3.38 US fluid ounces. A Jigger Shot is 1.5 oz which equals about 45ml while a double shot is 3oz which equals about 90ml.

KPDN Melaka said we should be using the International System of Units (SI) aka the metric system, not the imperial system.

The imperial system measures in feet, inches, pounds, and ounces while the metric system measures in centimetres, millilitres, kilogrammes, and so forth.

READ MORE: From Kati To Depa: 7 Forgotten Measurement Systems Of Malaysia


Siapa yang pernah dengar ukuran seperti : – Relung – hasta – kaki – depa – auns – kati Haaa, tahu tak kaedah pengukuran ini tidak terpakai dalam Malaysia. Mesti ada yang pertama kali dengar kan? Begini, admin dapat pertanyaan bahawa kalau perniagaan dalam Malaysia guna sukatan auns (OZ) tu sah tak?. Jawapannya, tak sah sebab sistem ukuran mengikut perundangan yang dibenarkan adalah sukatan antarabangsa atau _International Measurement_. Buat peniaga yang masih guna sukatan begini, sila tukar kepada sukatan yang terpakai dalam perundangan tau. P/s : Patutlah selalu beli air, kadang- kadang penuh, kadang – kadang tidak kan?..

♬ original sound – KPDN Melaka

What can these premises do after this? They’ll likely have to buy jiggers that measure in ml and use the jigger that measures in ounces at home. Maybe they could engrave it and award it like a trophy to their employee of the month.

Netizens found the decision ridiculous as they couldn’t see what was wrong with measuring liquids in ounces.

Some jokingly said they hoped the authorities would not raid their homes because they measure baby formula in ounces.

Meanwhile, netizens also wondered whether the same rules apply to cafes that measure their drink sizes in ounces.

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