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What In The World Is FPL And How To Win It

What In The World Is FPL And How To Win It

Fantasy Premier League gives footie fans a chance to act as virtual team managers.

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Football is very close to Malaysia’s heart and soul. Whether it’s the Malaysian Football League or the English Premier League, it has a special place for fans.

When it comes to the Premier League, fans don’t just watch the games and debate about their favourite teams with their friends, but there is also an online platform game known as the Fantasy Premier League (FPL).

What Is FPL

FPL is based on the English Premier League where the players get to act as virtual team managers by forming an actual team consisting of actual Premier League football players, and points are awarded according to how well these players perform in actual games. The aim is to amass as many points as you can during a Premier League season.

This game may sound easy but there are many layers towards winning the game. For example, a player needs to know almost every player from the Premier League teams and also how they have been performing week-to-week.

Football fans may already be familiar with this game but if you’ve just heard about it and want to know how to play, here’s a short how-to:

Players have a £100 million budget to create a squad of 15 players, including goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards. They can select players using a dropdown filter or use the “autopick” function.

Managers (the players) must select a starting XI before each gameweek deadline, with goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards.

Automatic substitutions are made based on priorities. Managers can make transfers throughout the season, and special features like Wildcard, Free Hit, Bench Boost, and Triple Captain offer strategic advantages.

For more details, go here.

Here are 7 tips or short refreshment points to help you win the FPL.

7 Tips To Win FPL


The first tip is to do proper research on the actual players. In making decisions for your squad, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest news, players’ form, injuries, and the fixtures’ schedule.

There are various websites and podcasts on Spotify and YouTube that will give you a better idea of the strategy to employ for the game.

Among the websites you can visit to get quick insights are Fantasy Football Hub and Fantasy Scout. These websites give a detailed analysis of the game, players, squad selections, and captain and vice-captain selections.


Next is to plan your transfers properly. According to an FPL expert, Sam Bonfield, planning for the first five or six Gameweeks in using the transfer is crucial.

“The seasons where I’ve had my best overall rank have been the ones where I’ve planned for the first five, six, or even seven Gameweeks to make sure my transfers are kind of in my head and I’ve got a team that’s going to perform beyond Gameweek 1,” she said.

She added that it would be good to hold the Wildcards for later in the season as you would be able to judge a player’s form once they hit the ground and start to perform.

If Gameweek 1 goes poorly, she recommends a long-term view and not to panic. She advises sticking to the plan and not taking massive hits in early Gameweeks, as this will help maintain a good start in FPL.

Use Your Chips Wisely

Each chip can be used only once per season, so timing is crucial:

  • Wildcard: Use it to overhaul your team when significant changes are needed.
  • Bench Boost: Activate when all your players have strong fixtures.
  • Triple Captain: Use when your captain has an exceptionally favourable fixture.
  • Free Hit: Ideal for navigating blank or double game weeks.

Balance Your Squad

Make sure your team is well-rounded and has depth at every position. Refrain from splurging on a select few elite players at the detriment of your team’s performance.

Creating value for the team is a key differentiator between mediocre and excellent FPL managers. To boost the worth of their team and gain an advantage for the remainder of the season, elite managers frequently take chances early in the season.

This strategy offers more choices and chances, giving the squad greater flexibility and access to a variety of players.

This can strengthen the bench and defence, and even allow for the addition of a big-hitting attacker. It’s important to understand why player prices change in FPL, as it can impact the overall value of a player.

Consider Team Form and Fixtures:

Select players from teams in good form with favourable fixtures. Strong team performance often translates into higher individual points.

Two FPL experts answered a series of questions from other FPL managers ahead of Gameweek 3 for the recent 2023/24 season.

Lee from FPL Family and Gianni Buttice said it was evident that knowing the players’ form and the fixtures, not only in EPL but also in other competitions a player might participate in, is crucial in making a decision.

Also, knowing the value of the player and deciding to choose safe play or taking a risk plays a part in gaining the points needed.

Captain Sensibly

Choosing the right captain can make or break your game week. Go for reliable, in-form players with favourable fixtures.

Captaincy picks can significantly impact a Gameweek’s performance and the outcome of an FPL mini-league. A player’s hat trick can earn 30 points, while a player from an underdog team with a favourable fixture may be more valuable.

The captaincy pick also affects the team’s chances of winning or losing the mini-league. It’s not always about choosing the most popular player, as it can be beneficial to captain a player from an underdog team with a favourable fixture.

Therefore, selecting the right FPL captain requires careful analysis of fixtures, player form, and team news such as injuries. This decision can increase the chances of scoring big points and winning the mini-league.

Be Patient and Stay Flexible:

Last but not least is to be patient with your strategies and remain flexible to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and opportunities. FPL is a marathon, not a sprint.

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