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Kenny Rogers’ Classic Hit Gets A Sabah Touch In New Moffatt Brothers Version

Kenny Rogers’ Classic Hit Gets A Sabah Touch In New Moffatt Brothers Version

Bob and Clint Moffatt of Music Travel Love collaborated with Marsha Milan to sing a cover of Islands in the Stream to positive reactions online.

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Malaysian singer Marsha Milan was excited when Canadian band Music Travel Love reached out to collaborate on a song.

Together, they performed a cover of Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton’s “Islands in the Stream” with a music video filmed at Pulau Kalampunian Besar, Kuala Penyu, in Sabah.

Those born in the early 90s might recognize the two members of Music Travel Love. Bob and Clint Moffatt used to perform with two more brothers in the popular group known as The Moffatts which rose to worldwide fame after their first pop album in 1998.

Marsha, the winner of the 36th Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL 36), shared that she had been a fan of The Moffatts when she was younger and looked up to the brothers.

She previously told Xtra it was exciting to collaborate with the duo and the thought of performing with her music idols made it tough to fall asleep the night before filming the music video.

The “Islands in the Stream” music video was published on Music Travel Love’s YouTube page on 5 June 2024. The music video gained positive reactions from global and local listeners.

Clips of the video also made its way on social media such as Instagram and TikTok.

Marsha had great praise for the Moffatt brothers and shared that they provided constant support and professionalism throughout the recording process.

She was advised to explore different music genres such as country and the new vocal style that comes with it.

She also met Frank Moffatt, an author, motivational speaker, and internationally renowned producer, during the collaboration with Music Travel Love.

Marsha recently released her new single titled “Hening Rindu” which has also appeared as part of the soundtrack of the TV3 drama Aku Bukan Ustazah.

Who are The Moffatts?

The brothers, all children at the time, became iconic pop and rock figures in the 90s music scene. Some of their popular songs include “Miss You Like Crazy,” “I’ll Be There For You” and “Misery.”

The group gracefully disbanded in 2001 and the siblings went on individual musical journeys.

In 2017, Bob and Clint were on a road trip to pitch a new single to record labels when they ultimately decided to spend their music careers without needing to live up to others’ expectations.

They combined their love for travel, music, and deep appreciation for family, and formed their band Music Travel Love.

Music Travel Love went on its Asia Tour 2024 and performed at Zepp KL on 20 April with Marsha as its special guest.

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