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Ever Wished You Could Neuter Your Ex? Here’s How You Can, But For A Good Cause

Ever Wished You Could Neuter Your Ex? Here’s How You Can, But For A Good Cause

SPCA Selangor came up with a creative campaign to mass neuter the stray animal population.

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SPCA Selangor has come up with a creative campaign to “Neuter Your Ex!”

More precisely, it’s an entertaining fundraising campaign where the public can sponsor the neutering of animals during SPCA’s Potong Royong initiative and name the animals after their ex.

Interested participants can donate RM100 or USD$25 to help neuter one animal.

SPCA Selangor has listed some reasons why you should participate:

#1 It’s fun and therapeutic to help animals in need. If you’ve recently broken up or gotten out of a bad relationship, this is a unique way to get some closure and have a good laugh while supporting a great cause.

#2 Your donation makes a positive impact. The Potong Royong project aims to reduce the stray population humanely through mass neutering.

#3 You’ll be creating a legacy as your ex’s name will live on in SPCA Selangor’s records and attached to a happy, neutered animal. It can be a story you can share with friends and family for a laugh one day.

How to participate in this hilariously-named campaign?

Here are the steps to cement your legacy:

  • Donate RM100 at SPCA Selangor’s fundraising page.
  • Submit a name via email or form (the name can be your ex’s name or any fun name).
  • After donating, you’ll receive updates from SPCA Selangor and they’ll send photos of the animal you’ve sponsored.

During this campaign, there’ll be live updates on SPCA Selangor’s social media pages.

Participants are also invited to share their stories and reasons for participating. A special recognition for the top 10 funniest or most heartwarming stories to be featured on SPCA Selangor’s website. They’ll receive a special shoutout too.

SPCA Selangor ends the post by thanking supporters for their sense of humour.

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