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2024 Olympics Attire Fiasco – Malaysians Come Up With Designs As Rage Continues

2024 Olympics Attire Fiasco – Malaysians Come Up With Designs As Rage Continues

Malaysians online tried their hand at designing Malaysia’s Olympic team attire after the lacklustre official reveal yesterday.

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The big reveal of Malaysia’s 2024 Olympics official sportswear last Sunday was met with anger and more anger.

Many complained about the outdated design, and this led to some people taking it upon themselves to reimagine and rework new designs to “mend their hearts.”

READ MORE: “Where Are The Tiger Stripes?” – Malaysia’s 2024 Olympics Attire Fails To Impress

While the tiger stripes were barely noticeable in the official attire, the creative people online proudly featured the black and orange tiger stripes in their designs.

Twitter user Sem (@samruzone) playfully added eyes and scratch marks to the orange shirt. Sem shared that the scratch marks showed that our athletes are “tigers at the peak of their careers” and had undergone gruelling training to face opponents on a bigger stage.

While the eyes were goofy additions, a commenter said Sem could add the tiger’s ears and false eyes on the back of the shirt to complete the look.

User Ocen Muaddib (@Ocenbe) wasn’t into the eyes on the shirt but loved the meaning of the scratch marks.

Another Twitter user Dayat (@dideedayat) made a stunning mockup featuring black and orange colours in a diagonal pattern ending with the tiger stripes at the hem of the jacket and left sleeve. On the right sleeve, Malaysia’s name is proudly emblazoned on it.

Dayat’s design gave a sleeker look and netizens noticed the black part of the shirt sported songket patterns.

Another comparable design was shared by user Fahmy (@Fahmy12778651) featuring thicker and vibrant stripes at the lower parts of the jacket and sleeves.

Meanwhile, user Atiiq Azman (@atiiq_azman) gave two simpler designs. The first featured the jacket in orange colour with black claw marks and fire illustration. The bottom of the orange sleeves fade into black to provide a nice contrast.

The second design that Atiiq described as the “away” team attire showed the same patterns and motifs but in flipped colours.

In addition, some have also tried their hand at designing the team’s overall outfit including footwear.

One of the designs featured the Jalur Gemilang prominently at the front of the shirt.

Voltra, a Malaysian sportswear brand, made a shoe mockup based on its Eezy shoe line. The My Eezy line has three shoe designs featuring black and orange colours.

The first design is simple with the horizontal lightning bolt outlined in striking orange with grey stripes at the heel.

The second design showed tiger stripes on the lightning bolt at the shoe’s side and heel. Meanwhile, the third design went for a bolder look by having the whole shoe in tiger stripes with a subtler black heel.

On a more controversial note, user Ken (@ruffleseed) tried designing the attire using ChatGPT and the result left more than desired.

However, a netizen said they liked the third design from ChatGPT which featured an all-black jacket with the outline of a tiger in orange stripes.

Another likely AI-generated image showed how the black and orange stripes can be complemented with the colours of the Jalur Gemilang.

Safe to say, the people who made the mockup designs had the right idea about the meaning of adopting Harimau Malaya as the sports team symbol.

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