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Malaysian Man Saves RM2,000 By Living In His Car, By Choice

Malaysian Man Saves RM2,000 By Living In His Car, By Choice

He has all the necessary items that are needed to live comfortably in his Proton Iriz.

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Many young adults today struggle to buy a house. For some, even rent is expensive.

For 32-year-old Mushamir Mustafa, he apparently found a hack: just live in the car.

As he shared on TikTok, he has been living in his Proton Iriz since January this year.

It doesn’t appear as though he is forced to live in his car but rather decided to do so in a bid to save money. Mushamir is neither jobless nor homeless.

Mushamir with his Proton Iriz (Car/Home)
Pic screenshot from TikTok

From the video that Mushamir uploaded on his Tiktok page @guylivingincar, he explained that he became interested in living out of his car after viewing a video on YouTube.

Mushamir is a Malaysian but can be considered well-travelled as he was born in Bangladesh and raised in Brazil, Kosovo, Namibia, and Sudan.

Now many would think voluntarily living out of your car is a crazy idea, but what is crazy here is the fact that he is a marketing and communications manager and he manages to save RM2,000 monthly by doing so.

In the video, he shows his car and how he sets it up into a bed for him to sleep by pulling down the front seats, giving him ample space in the back to set up his bed.

Mushamir shows the generator that he uses as electricity
Pic screenshot from TikTok

He also uses multiple items like ice boxes and pillows to make sure that he gets a good night’s sleep.

In the video, he also showed how he arranged his things accordingly so that the makeshift bed is flat and comfortable.

Other than this, from the video, it can be seen that he has all he needs for him to lead a simple yet comfortable life in his car.

For example, he has a generator to fire up his fans and portable lights. He charges his generator while working in his office.


Living inside my car. Here's the tour 🙂

♬ original sound – Z7duckx_Music

“It is so comfortable that you can lie down while watching movies, reading books, listening to songs, and playing video games,” he said when the Star reporters met him at Taman Tasik Tambahan in Ampang Jaya.

His daily routine includes jogging, showering at public restrooms, gyms, or gas stations, going to work, taking a shower after work, having dinner, and ending the day with dinner.

On the weekends he goes back home to visit his mother.

Apart from the fact that his “house” has an engine, it looks like Mushamir is leading a normal life just like everyone else.

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