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The Ultimate Flex: Birthday Boy’s Million-Dollar Car Arrives In Transparent Box

The Ultimate Flex: Birthday Boy’s Million-Dollar Car Arrives In Transparent Box

A 40-year-old man celebrated his birthday with his new million-dollar Mercedes G63 sedan delivered to his party in a transparent car compartment.

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When an oil palm fruit buyer turned 40, he knew he wanted to mark the milestone with a bang.

And boy, did he deliver.

The man from Segamat, Johor, celebrated his birthday recently at a local karaoke bar, but his grand entrance stole the show.

At precisely 9:45 pm, a transparent truck rolled up to the venue, carrying Wong’s ultimate birthday gift to himself: a gleaming Mercedes G63.

One of the most capable off-road vehicles on the market, it is commonly known as the “Big G” due to its large size, powerful engine, and rugged off-road capabilities.

The arrival of the million-dollar ride was accompanied by the thunderous beats of nine lion dance performers, a spectacle that drew a crowd of onlookers.

For the birthday boy, known as JJ Wong, this moment was the culmination of a decade-long dream.

“I’ve been thinking about the Mercedes G63 for 9 to 10 years,” he revealed in an interview with Sin Chew.

“I even pasted the car’s promotional leaflets on the mirror in my room.”

A transparent truck rolled up to the venue, carrying Wong’s ultimate birthday gift to himself: a gleaming Mercedes G63. (Pix: Sin Chew)

A Birthday Bash Orchestrated with Meticulous Detail and Lucky Number 9

Wong’s friends in Kuala Lumpur, who had seen similar displays before, suggested delivering the car in a transparent compartment.

The car dealer also suggested the same, and Huang, eager to create lasting memories and bring joy to everyone, readily agreed.

The attention to detail in the celebration was astounding.

The car arrived at 9:45 pm with license plate number QS 99 S.

“I did this because I like the number 9, which means long-lasting,” Huang explained.

“I hope everyone will be happy and cheerful and have a long-lasting business and relationship.”

Wong started planning the birthday bash in late May, and it was a star-studded affair.

In addition to the lion dance and the transparent car compartment, a friend who works in a modelling agency arranged for four models, two dancers, and a DJ to keep the party in high spirits.

Wong’s former classmate, a Malacca state executive councillor from DAP, also attended.

Lucky Number Nine: Wong’s gleaming Mercedes G63, with its auspicious ’99’ license plate, is more than just a ride—it’s a rolling symbol of his hard-earned success and a nod to his belief in the power of good fortune. (Pix: Sin Chew)

From Humble Beginnings to Million-Dollar Dreams

Wong’s story is one of hard work and perseverance.

Originally from Malacca, he moved to Segamat in 2009 to start his oil palm fruit purchasing business from scratch, renting a house to live in as he built his empire.

Today, he also owns a chain of self-service laundry businesses.

While some may see Wong’s birthday celebration as an ostentatious display of wealth, others view it as proof of the rewards of dedication and hard work.

Regardless of one’s opinion, there’s no denying that Wong’s 40th birthday will be remembered for years to come.

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