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From RM6K To RM50: A Superbike Passion Leaves Man Running On Empty

From RM6K To RM50: A Superbike Passion Leaves Man Running On Empty

A 26-year-old man’s love for superbikes has left him with a mere RM50 for food after splurging on a BMW motorcycle

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In a tale that echoes the age-old adage, “passion knows no bounds,” a 26-year-old man has found himself in a precarious financial situation after indulging in his love for superbikes.

With a monthly salary of RM6,000, he thought he could afford his dream BMW motorcycle, priced at a staggering RM129,500.

However, the reality of his decision soon came crashing down on him.

The young man, who shared his story through the anonymous message feature with Twitter user @meinmokhtar, regretted his purchase and acknowledged that owning a superbike is a rich man’s hobby.

After renewing the road tax and performing necessary maintenance, he found himself with a mere RM50 left in his pocket for food – and it was only the middle of the month.

“I regret it now,” he confessed, his words tinged with desperation.

“Others are right. Superbikes are a hobby for rich people.”

A Wake-Up Call for Financial Responsibility

His story has sparked a heated debate among the public.

Many criticized his lack of financial foresight and his attempt to live a lifestyle beyond his means.

Some pointed out that only those with a five-figure salary could afford to pursue such an expensive hobby.

In contrast, others suggested that his predicament was not the fault of the superbike but rather a result of poor financial management.

One person aptly summed up the situation: “If you spend lavishly and don’t manage your money well, no amount of salary will be enough. Even if you have a high salary but high standards for life, it will still not be enough.”

Amidst the criticism, they offered suggestions to help the man deal with his current financial dilemma.

From borrowing money to dipping into his savings, the options were varied.

However, the most poignant advice came from those who urged him to consider selling the superbike if the burden proved too great to bear.

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