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Apple Store’s Free Tote Bag “Scalpers” See Prices Ranging From RM250 To RM10,000

Apple Store’s Free Tote Bag “Scalpers” See Prices Ranging From RM250 To RM10,000

The early birds received a limited edition gift.

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ast weekend marked the grand opening of Apple’s first official store in Malaysia at The Exchange, TRX, Kuala Lumpur.

Designed by John O’Brien, Apple’s new Malaysian store features a distinctive design inspired by local elements. The unique roof of the store connects to a nearby park, offering customers a blend of indoor and outdoor experiences.

O’Brien emphasized that the store embodies Apple’s dedication to engaging with customers and celebrating the vibrant local community.

“The vibrancy here is just wonderful and you can tell this is a place where the community comes, comes to gather and we worked for many, many years to be a part of this really special place and to find a way that we could express how special Apple is and how much we want to connect with our customers,” O’Brien said as reported by Malay Mail.

READ MORE: Take A Tour With Us At Malaysia’s First Apple Store

The Atmosphere

The launch attracted thousands of visitors, eager to explore the new store.

Some people started waiting in line from 11pm the night before opening day.

Adam Lobo, a well-known tech YouTuber, showed the lively ambiance in an Instagram post, giving his followers a glimpse of the excitement during the launch.

Visitors eagerly tried out various Apple products, including the iPhone 15 and the iPad.

Apple introduced a special series called “Jom Discover” to celebrate the opening, running until 6 July.

This series includes interactive sessions such as moving with Nana Mohd, drawing on an iPad with Iman Azman, creating on a Mac with Adam Lobo, taking photos with smash pop on an iPhone, and enjoying a live performance by De Fam.

The Free Gift

Early birds at the launch received a limited edition canvas tote bag as a gift.

This exclusive tote bag, featuring the vertically printed “JOM” motif and the Apple logo with the gold lettering “Apple The Exchange TRX” on the back, has quickly become a coveted item.

Since the launch, these FREE (did we say free? Yes, free) tote bags have appeared on online marketplaces like Carousell, with prices ranging from RM250 to as high as RM10,000.

The scarcity of the tote bags, given only to early visitors, has heightened their desirability among Apple fans who couldn’t attend the opening or secure one themselves.

Many netizens were surprised to see the tote bag being put up for sale, especially at such exaggerated prices.

One Twitter user asked if the bag is actually being sold for thousands of ringgit or were they just trolling.

Another user remarked that people were selling the bags like they were Hot Wheels.

Many felt that it was ridiculous as the bags were given away for free as a token of appreciation.

The opening of Apple’s store in Malaysia is a testament to the brand’s effort to connect with its global audience while embracing local culture.

The store’s unique design, special events, and exclusive merchandise have made a significant impact, drawing attention and admiration from both the local community and Apple enthusiasts worldwide.

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