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“Will You Marry Me” With A Toothy Twist At Aquaria KLCC

“Will You Marry Me” With A Toothy Twist At Aquaria KLCC

There are three packages with a starting price of RM850.

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A marriage proposal is easily one of the things in the life of a couple that remains a cherished memory forever.

It will involve a lot of planning and preparation, usually by the man to make the day special and unique for his partner.

While some are content with keeping it normal, there are places you can go if you want to make your proposal unique.

One such spot is Aquaria KLCC as they offer a unique marriage proposal with the SHARKS!!!

The Packages

Aquaria provides three packages for those who would like to take up this adventure with their loved ones.

The first package is priced at RM850, the second at RM1,150 and the third at RM1,550.

Each of the packages has its own adventure that couples can embark on. However, the timing for each varies.

The one thing that is constant in all three packages is the underwater marriage signage.

For the third package, you would need a certified diving licence as you will be able to swim around with the sharks and also propose while the sharks act as the witness of the union (or the witnesses to your funeral).

In the second package, the sharks will be there as witnesses but you will be in a cage for safety reasons. This package is suitable for non-swimmers and non-divers.

Screenshot from Aquaria KLCC

Terms and Conditions

The booking for either one of the packages must be done two weeks before the proposal date and full payment must be made.

The bookings are non-transferable and non-refundable. The couples must be at Aquaria KLCC 30 minutes before the stipulated time.

The booking can be done through their email and for more information, click here.


A social media user remarked that if the man gets rejected, at least he would have had the opportunity to swim with the sharks.

Another joked that his mother’s reply would be to bring the girl home and she would cook for them.

While many were amused, one jokingly asked who came up with such an idea.

Not the only one

If this is your jam for proposals then note that Aquaria KLCC is not the only place that offers such packages.

The same type of package is also offered at Sea Life Malaysia where the man gets to hold a sign asking ‘Will You Marry Me” underwater.

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