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9 Must-Try Uniquely Malaysian Beauty Secrets

9 Must-Try Uniquely Malaysian Beauty Secrets

Your skin will glow, your hair will shine, and you’ll feel connected to the rich heritage of Malaysian beauty traditions.

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If you can’t afford SK-II, you might have something just as good in your backyard!

These timeless beauty secrets have been passed down through generations of Malaysian women.

Some of these remedies we gleaned from the beauty troves of Kelantanese Peranakan Chinese women, so these are well-kept secrets that have stood the test of time.

Back when they didn’t have The Ordinary, they used ordinary local plants and ingredients to keep their skin glowing, smooth, and youthful.

Discover these natural remedies and try them for yourself!

Aloe Vera and Rock Sugar

(Credit: via freepik)

Aloe vera is a beauty staple for most of us, but the Peranakan Chinese community adds rock sugar to aloe, creating a powerful facial beauty elixir. Simply boil these ingredients for about 30 minutes on low heat to produce a concentrated liquid or gel. 

This mixture can be used as a refreshing drink or a rejuvenating face mask. Whether you sip it or slather it on, your skin will thank you!

Bakawali Flower

Trying to harvest this flower is like playing a game of hide and seek with Mother Nature. Known as the ‘Queen of the Night’ or ’12 Hour Flower,’ the bakawali flower only blooms at midnight and withers by sunrise. 

I guess you could say it’s the real “Rare Beauty”.


This mystical flower is said to smooth and brighten the skin when ground into a fine powder and applied to the face. The ephemeral beauty of the bakawali can now be yours, even in daylight!

Honey and Egg Whites

(Credit: Racool_studio/freepik via freepik)

Some of us have probably heard of a honey and egg white face mask, but if you’ve been wary of trying it, the Kelantanese Peranakan Chinese give it their stamp of approval.

Mix one egg white with two teaspoons of honey to create a nutrient-rich face mask. This blend not only moisturises but also helps reduce inflammation and promote healing, giving you a radiant, youthful glow.

Try not to get any in your mouth – it’s for your face, not for breakfast.


(Credit: Vanilla Kismis)

Cekur, a small herb with horizontal leaves, is a secret weapon for youthful skin. It’s not just Peranakan Chinese women who eat cekur, many Malays enjoy it raw with white rice and budu. Its high vitamin C content and subtle aroma offer significant skin-boosting benefits. Add this herb to your diet to help maintain a fresh, vibrant complexion.

Young Turmeric


Young turmeric, or kunyit muda, is packed with essential nutrients like protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Whether eaten raw or made into a paste with yoghurt, this golden root works wonders as an anti-aging treatment. It smooths the skin, reduces oiliness, and peels away dead skin cells for a rejuvenated look.


(Credit: wirestock via freepik)

It might taste bitter, but it does wonders for your skin!

Pegaga, also known as Centella Asiatica or Gotu Kola, is a skin health powerhouse. It boosts collagen production, promotes skin elasticity, and reduces wrinkles. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritation and acne, while enhancing blood circulation to heal scars and blemishes, leaving skin clear and radiant.

Tapioca Flour and Cucumber

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Malay women have long used a paste of cucumber and tapioca flour to tighten and revitalise their skin. Tapioca flour absorbs excess oil on the skin, is non-comedogenic, and safe for sensitive skin. Blend cucumber, mix it with tapioca flour and water to create a thick paste, and apply it as a mask. Use this natural remedy every other day to keep your skin firm and refreshed.

Aloe Vera and Hibiscus

(Credit: Racool_studio/freepik via freepik)

Mix aloe vera with hibiscus flowers and apply the paste to your scalp. Hibiscus is rich in amino acids that can boost blood circulation in the scalp, promoting hair growth. Let it sit for an hour before rinsing. This nourishing treatment helps keep your hair healthy and strong, preventing scalp issues and promoting shiny, luscious locks.

Belimbing Buluh

(Credit: Vicky Ratnani via Facebook)

Got cracked heels? While the West swears by apple cider vinegar, Malaysians recommend rubbing belimbing buluh (cucumber tree fruit) on your heels for a soothing treatment. It might sting a bit, but it’s worth it for the healing benefits.

These time-tested remedies offer natural solutions for glowing skin and healthy hair.

Let nature work its magic on your beauty routine. Your skin will glow, your hair will shine, and you’ll feel connected to the rich heritage of Malaysian beauty traditions.

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