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Spotted Mavis’ Happy Birthday Billboard Along LDP And MRR2 But Don’t Know Who She Is?

Spotted Mavis’ Happy Birthday Billboard Along LDP And MRR2 But Don’t Know Who She Is?

There’s a birthday billboard of a smiling woman along the LDP amidst the many signages promoting various products.

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If you drive along the LDP from Bandar Sri Damansara towards Mutiara Damansara, chances would have noticed a strange billboard just before hitting the Penchala toll plaza.

It’s strange because amidst the many billboards promoting products, this one is not.

It isn’t promoting any services either.

The big orange billboard bears the photo of a smiling woman with the words “Selamat Hari Jadi” and “Happy Birthday Mavis”.

So who is Mavis?

After a quick search on the world wide web, we managed to solve the mystery of the billboard.

“Mavis” is the English name of a MyFM radio deejay announcer.

She normally goes by Mei Yan but in conjunction with her 40th birthday, she told her Instagram followers that her English name is Mavis.

The billboard is a birthday gift she commissioned for herself to mark turning 40 on 9 June and 20 years of her career.

She did not just get one billboard but also has another one along the MRR2.

As of today, the billboard is still up, so Happy Belated Birthday, Mavis!

Mei Yan or Mavis is part of the breakfast show at MyFM and is also an actress and a brand ambassador.

And there you have it, wonder no more during your LDP and MRR2 drives, we solved the Mavis mystery for you.

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